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An Oculus device isn't registered to your account at the moment

I am chasing this up because of the Asgards wrath promotion and am worried something has gone wrong with my account (probably linked to the forced facebook conversion) i am wondering if anyone else has an issue.

I have a quest2.   it IS attached to my account, I know this because i can see my library when hooked up via usb and have played RoboRecall both PC version AND mobile version to compare the 2 on it.

however when i look at my oculus account it says there are no devices attached. I am concerned Support will look at this and accuse me of trying to pull a fast one.

Is it just me or is this a general issue.?

Thinking about it, this isnt the 1st time this has happened..... Whilst my Rift CV1 was registered just fine (it isnt now as i sold it a few weeks back so removed it) my DK2 never showed on my account either (which meant i never got my golden DK2 cosmetic item for my home..... 
I can live without the golden headset (albeit i would like to have it) but would hate to miss out on Asgards wrath or future promotions

Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂

Not applicable
Same problem..

Not applicable
Same here. Q1 and Q2 that used to show in my devices list are now not here. I have submitted a ticket to OC support

Please post back if they reply.   I wanted to make sure I was.not being boneheaded 1st as am sure support are busy at the moment and I already have a very long support ticket in regarding Asgards Wrath.
Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂

I was looking at my profile yesterday and saw the same thing (I was advising someone how to remove a no-longer-owned device from his account and checked to make sure I had my details right). I assumed it was a temporary glitch on the website, because my devices still show in my phone app. 

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

Try my game: Cyclops Island Demo

sounds like I am far from alone... in which case that puts my mind at ease.   Given how many are experiencing it then oculus must surely be aware and it is not a problem.

thanks for the replies
Fiat Coupe, gone. 350Z gone. Dirty nappies, no sleep & practical transport incoming. Thank goodness for VR 🙂

Not applicable
I contacted support but no help they just could not understand what i was trying to tell them. I asked if it was  registered and they said it should be if i have used it..

Same problem here.  I set up the device with my FB account, but when I go into my account it says I have no registered devices.  I think I know the source of the problem, but I don't know how to solve it.

When I ordered the device, the site let me do it without being logged into my FB/Oculus account (i.e. order was placed as a "guest" account).  After I ordered, when I got notice it shipped, I went to the Oculus site and logged in with my Facebook account.  It said I had no orders.  I went to the email, clicked then link, I was emailed a link to view the shipping status, and then I was able to view the order as an authenticated guest.  However, the order and shipping had no association to my Facebook account.

There must be some way for us to link the original order to our FB account.  I guess right now, because of the way our orders were placed, Facebook thinks we are second-hand owners of the device and not the original owners.  Please let me know if any of you figure out how to resolve this!

On the app phone based - both my quests (1 and 2) are showing up in settings

on the website they do not.  This happened after v23, i think its some sort of glitch as i haven't seen any issues buying games and playing online.


GeekLad said:

Same problem here.  I set up the device with my FB account, but when I go into my account it says I have no registered devices.  I think I know the source of the problem, but I don't know how to solve it.

When I ordered the device, the site let me do it without being logged into my FB/Oculus account (i.e. order was placed as a "guest" account).  After I ordered, when I got notice it shipped, I went to the Oculus site and logged in with my Facebook account.  It said I had no orders.  I went to the email, clicked then link, I was emailed a link to view the shipping status, and then I was able to view the order as an authenticated guest.  However, the order and shipping had no association to my Facebook account.

There must be some way for us to link the original order to our FB account.  I guess right now, because of the way our orders were placed, Facebook thinks we are second-hand owners of the device and not the original owners.  Please let me know if any of you figure out how to resolve this!

The order not being tied to the account should have nothing to do with the registered devices not showing. They've had that problem with their order system since the release of CV1, but once your account is used on the device, it should show up. I did have my Go, Quest 1, and Quest 2 showing as my registered devices until recently. (Only the mobile headsets show under My Devices. Rifts show up in the Rift section along with your apps, and the serial numbers for my CV1 stuff are still showing up there.)

Anyway, I'm sure this is just a glitch with the website that will be fixed soon.

DK2, CV1, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Quest 3.

Try my game: Cyclops Island Demo
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