12-29-2024 03:16 AM
Hello. There are applications that I want to recommend to my friend, but there is no option to send a referral link for any application in my account. Also, the referral status cannot be displayed. What is the reason for this situation? I would be very grateful if anypne could help me.
12-29-2024 04:05 AM
Hi @tkaras17 🙂
maybe you are not in a supported country?
Meta Quest supported countries | Meta Help Center
12-29-2024 05:18 AM
I'm asking this question because I'm already in a supported country. Thanks anyway.
12-29-2024 05:30 AM
If so, reach out to support.
Send a PM @MetaQuestSupport
click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
Good luck🤞
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