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App sharing

Honored Guest

I am sure i am not the first to ask this question but somehow nothing I find seems to answer my exact question - and work!

I have two metaquest 3 headsets. Each one is logged into their separate profiles. On my headset, the primary profile I have added a profile of the person using the second headset. I have app sharing turned on on the primary headset. How does the person on the second headset access the shared apps? Right now none of the shared apps show up in his library. And in the multiplayer app I am trying (Creed) there seems to be no option to enable a second player. How does my second player/added profile/person with whom I am sharing apps share and experience and app together with me? 

Many thanks for any help!



An account can only enable app sharing on a single headset. Once enabled, that single headset will let a secondary account access the primary account's games.

The way some people do it:

  • Person A is primary on headset 1 and 2.
  • Person B is secondary on headset 2.
  • Person A turns on app sharing on headset 2 for Person B.
  • Now person B can see person A's games, but only on headset 2.

This requires both headsets to have the same primary account. Only one of the headsets can then share games with a secondary account.

Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
Hardware: Threadripper 1950x, MSI Gaming Trio 2080TI, Asrock X399 Taich
Headsets: Wrap 1200VR, DK1, DK2, CV1, Rift-S, GearVR, Go, Quest, Quest 2, Reverb G2, Quest 3
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