01-08-2025 06:00 AM
Help! Trapped in a vent in Batman Arkham Shadow. I'm about to encounter my first armed group and training mode kicked in. That's fine because I need all the help I can get. I dropped down a small grate and traveled a short way to a large grate behind a Rat. Now I am unable to exit the vent on either side no matter what I try. Such a horrible way for Batman to meet his demise, stuck in a vent.
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-08-2025 04:25 PM
Grab the grate then push forward quickly.
01-08-2025 04:25 PM
Grab the grate then push forward quickly.
01-09-2025 05:27 AM
It's not that type of grate. For this type of grate you need to push the joystick forward to enter or exit and that's not working. I accidentally clicked solution but it is not.
01-09-2025 07:16 AM
The only other grate I can think of is the one to grab and move your arms to the left to shift it out of the way.
01-09-2025 02:11 PM
Okay, I figured it out. Entering the vent through the grate you push the right joystick button forward. Exiting the vent on the other side you reach up and grab the rat from behind. There is no button to push to exit the vent. Thanks to those that replied.
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