12-25-2024 04:50 PM
My son got a quest 3s today and is unable to download the Batman Arkham game that was supposed to go with it. Also he has no option for the 3 free months of quest+ it was supposed to have. I can get both through my parent account but have to pay for them.
12-25-2024 05:56 PM
Having the same issues. I bought a Quest 3S for my daughter (12). I set up the device for her, but of course Arkham doesn’t show for her since she is 12. Did a factory reset and set up the device under me and added her as a profile. Arkham only shows as full purchase price. Can’t get to support so no idea what to do. Oddly I wasn’t going to even let her play it, but I wanted to check it out. Anyone have any ideas how we can get this fixed?
12-26-2024 02:22 AM
Hi @Jerchef10 🙂
did you set up the Quest with your account or with you sons account?
As @maitaiguy.2024 correctely mentioned, there are age restriction, not only for Batman(age restriction is different across the countries, im my country it's an 18+ game), but also for Quest+(you have to be 13 at least).
So, if you've set up the Quest with your sons account, who is maybe to young, he is not able to redeem the game/Quest+.
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