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Asgards Wrath 2 Into the darkness pipe puzzle

Honored Guest

I have put all the pipes together, got the rt and middle done, but the left one has 1 pipe that goes through a block wall ( has a chest on it) that will not let me set the pipe in place. I saw videos of others doing it but when I set a pipe near it the outline does no show up. I ,therefore, cannot complete the puzzle to move on. HELP!



Hi @H.SydFrench 🙂

If you are sure, that you've done all correct, it's maybe a bug?

You can try if uninstalling and reinstalling the game can solve this - make sure cloud backup is enabled.

Learn about cloud backup on Meta Quest | Quest Help 

But most likely you will have to roll back the game to another save point and hope it works after that.

You can find the roll back option under game - settings - credits.



I found there was a change in the game that no longer allows what others had done to solve the puzzle. I figured out, eventually, what needed to be done now to solve it.

So, at least it wasn't a bug.
Great that you found your way through the puzzle....have fun furthermore🙂

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