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Asgards Wrath 2 , no sound after patch update! Quest 3


My quest speakers are working fine with all my other apps and games. Have tried restarting but doesn't help. 


Zero sound coming from the game since I updated it! Many others also seem to be having the same problem!! 


Hoping they are working on a fix now!!


edit..  Just letting everyone know that an uninstall and reinstall did the trick and everything is working as it should, and you don't lose your save file or progress!! 


Honored Guest

Hello! I have the same problem. Did I understand you correctly that at the moment the only solution is to uninstall the game and reinstall it? I was afraid to do this, since I did not buy the game, it was a bonus to quest 3

It’s fine.  You can uninstall then reinstall the game even if it was free with Quest 3

Yes unfortunately they can't get their crap together. 

I'm having to do this for a second time on a different Quest 3.

Not sure how more people aren't talking about this issue.

Meta Quest Support
Meta Quest Support

Hey all,

I absolutely agree with your sentiments, might be worth contacting the developer themselves if you haven't already done so.

The more people they know are dealing with this issue the more likely it'll be fixed sooner.  

Honored Guest

So i got the same problem - no sound in asgard'w wrath 2. Tried reinstalling game, and it still doesn't work. I'm reinstalling it like 3rd time...

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