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Asgards wrath 2 - stuck with the tanuu main quest

Honored Guest


I first completed the Tanuu quest before I went to the observatory (helped tanuu with the stone in his stomach).

Now that I've finished the observatory, I've returned to Tanuus and can't continue. There's no stone left in the main stomach, so I can't help him.

Rolling back with the savegame doesn't work either, because I went back to the observatory and tanuus has the same problem.


Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest

After the last patch, the problem is solved. After sleeping in the hideout, the main mission continues.

View solution in original post


Honored Guest

I have the same issue. I hope the developer sees this.


im stuck as well, i started doing other side quest for the meantime i was in there for a while. 

Honored Guest

I have the same issue.


I started the Tanu quest first, didn’t finish it, but finished the observatory and went back to Tanu. I finished putting the three balls into the holes, and now nothing. I’ve been told there’s a fourth ball you grab and crush but I cannot locate it at all. Seems like a game breaking bug to me

I did the same thing yesterday i went to my rollback save point and lost several items and 2 levels, just to have the same thing happen.. i read that someone who knew one of the developer said that if you completed Tanuu belly before the royal observatory that the bug is; I guess we were supposed to get to the royal observatory first

I only started the Tanu quest, I didn’t complete it. I went to observatory then came back and went back into his mouth and continued the quest. Got to his stomach and after all three balls have been put into the holes nothing happens. 
There’s no way I’m going to roll back or start the entire game again. They better get it fixed 

Lol i know i put it a ton hours in that game i've been stuck for a week now. i was trying to complete before most but tbh overall the game is 9.9 /10 for me that bug is a set back.. the need to hurry up and fix it. i dont even want to play anymore until they do.. since i rolled it back some. i lost some good item and my high score in the rift...



I did the same thing, did the Tannu quest first. Now stuck at dead end with this quest. Already got the final rock in this quest but can't progress. **bleep** it. 

Honored Guest

Same here ☹️

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