3 weeks ago
We bought our headset for my son back in December of 2022. He's got a couple of hundred hours on it easily and never had any issues with it. About a year ago he broke one of the controllers and around the same time got a new dirt bike so the VR headset got put away for the last year. Will this year we got him a new controller and when we went in to try to pair the new controller all of a sudden it's now asking us for a business account email which we don't have. I have read on here many people stating they've had the same issue and they're being some rumors going around about firmware being updated differently in some headsets and in others. I've got over 30 emails and weeks of back and forth with absolute no resolution in the future. All they want me to do is pay for a new one because it's out of warranty. Does this sound like a warranty issue to anybody? Then they had me tried to do a factory reset, and I'm assuming because one of the controllers wasn't paired, it is now stuck in the reboot screen where it shows the two controllers being held and you pull the little tabs out to power them on. No matter if I powered off do another factory reset it always goes back to the same spot and stays there. Has anybody gotten a solution to this or found anybody that will work with them instead of just telling us they're sorry for our inconvenience? This is a screenshot that I took her off of these forums as I can't access mine any longer to get it off my own but this is the message that I kept getting asking for the business account. And anytime I declined it it would just power the headset off so I couldn't do anything.
3 weeks ago
@ShangFu.6969 once you get to the pull the tabs out of the controllers bit, do the following
Hopefully that should get you further along the process.
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