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Audio getting thrown (1.12)

I'm having an issue with the rift losing audio (mirrored and direct) seemingly at random.

I can go the entire day without an audio hang or I can play for 15 minutes and have to disable then re-enable the audio several times.

It's been getting annoying having to fix it while demo'ing VR for people.

Expert Protege
I was having this problem for a long time using my USB 3.0 card. Finally just gave up and use the on board USB 2.0 ports and have not had any more issues.

Fixed my problem by disabling the Rift microphone,its different for everyone tho.

Just wanted to post that I fixed my problem by changing the active usb cord to a passive one, the active one's work well for the sensors and I haven't had problems with them there but for some reason it was throwing the audio, maybe taking too much power from the headset?

Any way, all good now.
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