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(Australia) Getting the correct USB 3 Expansion Card

Honored Guest
I've only recently discovered that the USB 3.0 ports on my motherboard aren't compatible with CV1 (and its on its way!!!).  The problem is that I'm having massive difficulty getting certainty around what expansion card to purchase.  I've been told "Find chipset NEC
uPD72020".  The problem is that all of the expansion cards the shops near me have little to no listed technical specs, even on their respective websites.  The shops themselves are proving useless and unfriendly when it comes to knowing what to buy and i'm really not looking forward to spending $40 to $50 AUD each time, plus driving, hoping I buy the right card by pure luck. 

Has anyone in Aus had any luck with any expansion cards they have purchased?  Anyone know a specific card thats available that i could count on?
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