12-15-2024 11:53 AM
Hi everyone,
I’m currently facing an issue with spawning avatars when using Custom Matchmaking in a project built on Photon Fusion using the Meta Building Blocks. Specifically, avatars fail to spawn when a player creates or joins a room. I've spent a lot of time debugging and testing, but I still can't figure out what's wrong. Here are the details:
When creating or joining a room:
Here’s what I’ve tried:
Debug Logs: I added debug statements to check the status of _networkRunner, _sceneLoaded, and _entitlementCompleted. Within the AvatarSpawnerFusion class. Even after the room is created or joined, _networkRunner remains null and _sceneLoaded is false.
private IEnumerator SpawnAvatarRoutine()
while (_networkRunner == null || !_sceneLoaded || !_entitlementCompleted)
Debug.Log("Network runner null?:" + (_networkRunner == null));
Debug.Log("Scene loaded status:" + _sceneLoaded);
Debug.Log("Entitlement completed status:" + _entitlementCompleted);
yield return null;
Example Debug Output:
Network runner null?: True Scene loaded status: False Entitlement completed status: True
Manual Assignment:
Mark Scene as Loaded:
Here’s an example of how I’m integrating Custom Matchmaking with AvatarSpawnerFusion:
using UnityEngine;
using Meta.XR.MultiplayerBlocks.Shared;
using Meta.XR.MultiplayerBlocks.Fusion;
using Fusion;
using System.Linq;
public class CustomMatchmakingIntegration : MonoBehaviour
[SerializeField] private CustomMatchmaking matchmaking;
[SerializeField] private AvatarSpawnerFusion avatarSpawner; // Assign via Inspector
[SerializeField] private NetworkRunner networkRunner; // Ensure AvatarSpawnerFusion is in the scene
private void OnEnable()
if (matchmaking != null)
private void OnDisable()
if (matchmaking != null)
// Unsubscribe from BB events if needed
FusionBBEvents.OnSceneLoadDone -= OnSceneLoadDone;
private void OnRoomCreated(CustomMatchmaking.RoomOperationResult result)
if (result.IsSuccess)
if (networkRunner != null)
// Since no OnSceneLoadDone will fire if no scene is loaded:
Debug.LogWarning("Room creation failed: " + result.ErrorMessage);
private void OnRoomJoined(CustomMatchmaking.RoomOperationResult result)
if (result.IsSuccess)
// Successfully joined a room. Find the active runner.
if (networkRunner != null)
// Subscribe to OnSceneLoadDone event from BBEvents
FusionBBEvents.OnSceneLoadDone += OnSceneLoadDone;
Debug.LogWarning("Room join failed: " + result.ErrorMessage);
private void OnSceneLoadDone(NetworkRunner runner)
if (runner == networkRunner)
Debug.Log("Scene loaded for our runner. Spawning avatar now...");
// If AvatarSpawnerFusion requires scene loaded and runner set:
// avatarSpawner.MarkSceneLoaded(networkRunner);
// Or if it’s ready to spawn now:
// Unsubscribe if you only needed this once
FusionBBEvents.OnSceneLoadDone -= OnSceneLoadDone;
Despite this integration, the avatars still fail to spawn due to _networkRunner being null.
Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated! I’m happy to provide more details or code snippets if needed.
Thanks in advance!
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