01-17-2025 03:12 AM
This is already the second headset to be replaced when the first one didn't work properly. I have had to factory reset multiple times, each time losing valuable data and property I bought and paid for. I have been weeks without a headset for work and have WASTED hours and hours of needless frustration and trouble shooting. You have cost me time and money, literally
Now im getting an error when trying to use headset- com.facebook.wearable.system.location.service.vro
I have scoured your forums and tried all of the copy and paste 'trouble shooting' tips that you post
This is ridiculous and I would like an immediate refund and I am filing complaints with BBB FTC & LCP & am strongly considering pursuing litigation. I see many people are facing the same issue and a class action or individual case appears to be strongly justified
01-17-2025 05:48 PM
@Scotty2Shotty wrote:
I have had to factory reset multiple times, each time losing valuable data and property I bought and paid for.
Factory resetting doesn't lose anything you bought. (Save game data might be lost if it wasn't using cloud save backups). Everything you buy is bound to the account, as long as you set up with the same account after factory resetting, all of your purchases will be available again.
I have seen one report of the com.facebook.wearable.system.location.service.vro error being caused by the headset running out of storage. It was fixed by connecting to a PC and using the android debug bridge (adb) command to uninstall something from the headset to make room. https://www.reddit.com/r/OculusQuest/comments/1ene6kh/comfacebookwearablesystem_locationservicevro/ There are probably other reasons, but I see in that thread 2 people fixing the com.facebook.wearable.system.location.service.vro error this way, so worth considering. (Of course if you didn't install some big things just before the error started, then this probably isn't the issue)
01-17-2025 09:33 PM
Hey @Scotty2Shotty - totally understand your frustration here, but we'd love to try and help you with this.
If you'd like some support so we can try and get you back to being productive in VR, please send us a private message so we can discuss the issue.
Simply click on our name to access our profile page or click here. Once there, select 'Send a message' to privately message us. Please note that you must be signed in to the community before sending a private message.
01-18-2025 09:40 PM
Hey there, @Scotty2Shotty We just wanted to follow up in case you still need assistance with your account issue. If you do, please let us know.
Did this answer your question? If it didn’t, use our search to find other topics or create your own and other members of the community will help out.
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Having trouble with a Facebook or Instagram account? The best place to go for help with those accounts is the Facebook Help Center or the Instagram Help Center. This community can't help with those accounts.
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