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BBB, FTC, local consumer protections complaint/litigation


This is already the second headset to be replaced when the first one didn't work properly. I have had to factory reset multiple times, each time losing valuable data and property I bought and paid for. I have been weeks without a headset for work and have WASTED hours and hours of needless frustration and trouble shooting.  You have cost me time and money, literally


Now im getting an error when trying to use headset- com.facebook.wearable.system.location.service.vro


I have scoured your forums and tried all of the copy and paste 'trouble shooting' tips that you post

This is ridiculous and I would like an immediate refund and I am filing complaints with BBB FTC & LCP & am strongly considering pursuing litigation. I see many people are facing the same issue and a class action or individual case appears to be strongly justified



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