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Background Audio Playback feature no longer working

Honored Guest

I know a lot of people who like to turn the music off in game, or even add their own music to their games. Up until the Feb 5th update with the newest browser I was able to do this but now for some reason am unable to. I've read a lot of comments on YouTube videos stating the same thing, that up until recently they could all listen to music and it suddenly stopped. I noticed something in the patch notes mentioning music playing is, "Tabs in immersive: Your browser tabs will now be available across immersive applications." so maybe that has something to do with it? I have no discernable idea, and I'm quite frankly slightly miffed at this inconvenience.  Obviously it's not world ending, but it sucks not being able to play my favorite games and listen to my own music. 


Honored Guest

Glad to see i'm not the only one, it was still working for me 2 or 3 days ago. Could you let me know if you find a solution ? It's really annoying for me since I only play games like blade and sorcery where it's so much fun to have cool music in the background..

Honored Guest

It's been a few days, and I still have no idea why it's doing this... Maybe a factory reset would work... ? I don't know, but I won't be opting in to any experimental features if this is the result...

Honored Guest

Just now noticed this myself! I even tried using the YouTube app and no media notifications from that either so it doesn’t appear to be a browser issue. Super frustrating! 

Honored Guest

This happened to me and I was frustrated because I added music to my playlist to listen to but now it won't work.


I just want them to add it back


Retired Support

Hey everyone! It looks like the Background Audio Playback feature was an experimental one for the Quest Pro released back in November 2022's V47.  I know a bit later on we added this feature for the Quest 2 before the Quest 3 launched as an experimental feature in the V53/54 PTC. Before I run this by the team to get looked into, I just need a bit more info on the experience.

  • Can you confirm which headset version your Quest is currently running? You can check in Quick Settings > Settings > Software Update under the Current Version Details section. The formatting should be 62.#.#.###.###.######### or 63.#.#.###.###.#########. Please provide the full version number.
  • Are you enrolled in the V63 PTC?
  • Which Quest device is everyone using?
  • In your Meta Quest Browser, can you navigate to your browser settings and note the current Meta Quest Browser version and Chromium version?
  • Which website are you using for your background audio?
    • Spotify Web Player, YouTube, etc.
Technology, at a certain level of sophistication, is indistinguishable from magic. - some wise guy or something probably

I have 63.## version,

I am enrolled in the V63 PTC

I am using the Quest 2 

Chromium version is 120.0.6099,283

And i am using both spotify and youtube.

Ive tried changing settings.

I have had no luck in fixing this.

Honored Guest

I'm having the same experience. I can no longer use the notifications to start and stop music from within an application. And what is also somewhat frustrating is the fact that I can't find a description of the v62 "immersive tab" feature any where! What does that even mean?  It may actually be a more intuitive implementation ... who knows? It's not described anywhere so I don't know how to use it. Appreciate any help that Meta can provide to deliver this feature.

Hey @Macticus! You can find the latest release notes for the Meta Quest Browser on our developer page or the app page on our web store under the Updates section. The description for the Tabs in immersive feature appears to be somewhat vague, but presumably, this feature is most likely to do with V62's App continuity when multitasking implementation.

Since headset software versions are separate from the application versions for native apps (such as the Meta Quest Browser), it's likely a compatibility patch was added for seamless implementation with the new feature of the headset software. I'll see if I can't get more information from the team about it, and if it can potentially be a root cause of the issue.

It'd help out a lot if I could get the information requested in my reply above from you, so that I can bring it to the team.

Technology, at a certain level of sophistication, is indistinguishable from magic. - some wise guy or something probably

Honored Guest

i found a video player that forces it to keep the music playing in the background you can hear the music but the app or game your in want have audio

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