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Bad spatial video upload quality from iphone 15 pro max

Honored Guest

Every single video I upload from my phone to the Meta Quest app ends up with really bad/nauseating stuttering or worse, the video just freezes completely a few seconds in. What I noticed is watching the uploaded video on the mobile app shows perfect playback but I think this is misleading because it seems to just play the local video you already have on your phone (downloading it is instant and just makes an identical copy). If I delete my local copy and watch the video on the app again, then I get the same choppy video I see on the headset. If I download this file afterwards, I end up with these really small video files with arbitrary framerates. My iphone shows 26 or 27 fps instead of 30 so I assume this is what's causing the stutters?

I tried a 3rd party app by the way, using the 4XVR player and that one plays my spatial video files natively flawlessly. No stuttering at all, so there has to be something wrong with how Meta is converting the videos. Is no one else running into this issue?


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi there @georaldc ! Thank you for reaching out to us in regards to this matter. We would love to take as further look to see what may be causing this problem. In order for us to do so, please send us a PM so we can further work on this issue by clicking here. Next, click "Send a Message" to privately message us! Please remember, you must be signed into the community first to send us a private message. Hope to hear from you soon! Have an awesome day!

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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hey again @georaldc ! We just wanted to follow up with you on the issues you were having concerning poor quality video upload. Were you still experiencing these issues? Hope to talk to you soon! Have a great day!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Honored Guest

I tested some videos again the other day and yes, this is still a problem that I see. Videos are taken and uploaded with an iphone 15 pro max.

It's good hearing from you again, @georaldc! We'd appreciate it if you could send us a PM so that we can work with you further on improving your display quality! Additionally, we kindly ask that you make sure to include screen recordings of the video quality that's displaying those issues. 


It's important to remember that you have to be logged in to the community before sending us a PM! To access our profile page, either select our name or click here! Next, click 'Send a Message' to PM us. 


We're looking forward to your PM!

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!

Hey there! We are just following up with you to check and see if you still need assistance! Feel free to reach out to us anytime! 

If you're the author of a thread, remember to mark a reply as the Accepted Solution to help others find answers!
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