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Balancing the quest 3 headset

Honored Guest

Does anybody know how to balance the headset.  I have bought the suggested improved headband but the device tends to slide down and put too much weight on my nose.  The problem is that the headband does not hold the fore and aft movement because all the weight is at the front and there is no balancing weight at the back.
Does anybody know if the additional battery pack which is attached at the back helps solve this problem?


Expert Trustee

@Budgie2  you haven't told us what suggested improved headset you bought. Halo style headstraps take the weight off your face more than elite style straps do. Battery packs are definitely recommended to offset the weight balance of the front of the headset.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Rising Star

I’d recommend a kiwi or bobovr.

i have a zyber with power bank that does really well. But bobovr and kiwi really help with the counter weight.

I know just enough about tech to look like I know what I'm doing.
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