11-15-2024 02:15 PM
I cannot get any sound with the game at all. I'm running it on the Quest 3, I just bought it, came with the free download of the game. Sound works fine in quest menus and every other game. I have uninstalled it and reinstalled it as well. Please help.
12-01-2024 03:50 AM
I’m having the exact same problem. Did you ever find a fix?
12-01-2024 11:24 AM
Could the new “app volume” option be turned down?
12-01-2024 11:59 AM
He do I access that setting? I’ll give it a look
12-01-2024 12:14 PM
I had an update and it fixed it. That is what I think happened because I did nothing else to fix it.
12-01-2024 12:15 PM
There was an update and it started to work. Thanks.
12-01-2024 12:15 PM
Did you update recently? I’m still having the problem. It’s driving me crazy! Tried everything I’ve seen online and nothing is working. 😭
12-02-2024 02:04 AM
@DadGamerJD have you tried uninstalling and reinstalling the game?
Make sure cloud backup is enabled - usually it's set by default - before you uninstall the game.
12-02-2024 02:35 AM
Thanks for the reply.
Yeah I have tried this a few times with no success. but when I reinstall it downloads incredible quickly. Like it didn’t really delete in the first place if that makes sense?
12-02-2024 02:49 AM
What game version is installing?
It should be 1.1.0-350569
Find the game in your library and scroll down to "More Details" - I'm not sure of the exact wording, mine isn't in English - it shows you the game version.
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