01-06-2025 04:37 PM
I wasn't sure where the best place is to report this issue, but I'm having a problem with Arkham Shadow on my Quest 3S. Essentially, I'm inside the chapel level and the entrance is locked. I used detective vision to scan the lock and then the power terminal (by pressing B). Unfortunately, nothing happened and now I can't progress .
I think I'm supposed to receive the charged gloves, but I don't have them and it doesn't seem like I've been able to fix it. I tried reloading the last checkpoint and restarting my headset but nothing's working 😞
Thank you,
Solved! Go to Solution.
01-07-2025 02:18 PM
Looks like I didn't miss anything, but it was indeed a bug. I modified my save in the save slots menu and loaded a previous save. I had to repeat some of the missions, but I was able to complete them quickly and progress.
Thank you for your willingness to help!
01-07-2025 06:49 AM
01-07-2025 02:18 PM
Looks like I didn't miss anything, but it was indeed a bug. I modified my save in the save slots menu and loaded a previous save. I had to repeat some of the missions, but I was able to complete them quickly and progress.
Thank you for your willingness to help!
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