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Battery percentage unavailable on v72 for Quest 2

Honored Guest

I used to be able to easily see battery levels of my controllers and my headset. After updating to v72 in mid-December, I can't find the battery levels anywhere - except when shutting down it briefly shows headset percent. Where can I find a display of both headset and controllers battery percentage now?


Accepted Solutions


Hi @nalawod 🙂

just open the quick menu.

In the upper left corner the headset and controller percentage is shown.

I just got a new update to V72 (build: 512.7210.12510.150) today, so I'm not sure if the percentage wasn't shown for a while.

I didn't pay attention to that but I think, I had it all the time.

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Hi @nalawod 🙂

just open the quick menu.

In the upper left corner the headset and controller percentage is shown.

I just got a new update to V72 (build: 512.7210.12510.150) today, so I'm not sure if the percentage wasn't shown for a while.

I didn't pay attention to that but I think, I had it all the time.

Honored Guest

You are correct! I had never closed the new feature dialog at the top of the quick settings telling you that you could now control volume and brightness right there. When I finally dismissed that, the battery levels were under it all along. Plus, I also realized that, at least for hand controllers, you can look down at them to see battery level on each.

I had never closed the new feature dialog at the top of the quick settings telling you that you could now control volume and brightness right there.

Same here......I did it only after you asked for the battery level😂

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