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Beat Saber not working on Quest 3


Description of the Issue:

  • I recently purchased a Quest 3 VR headset and was able to play Beat Saber without issues after the initial setup. It worked fine for one day, but I started experiencing an issue the next day. The game opens, but the play button won’t load on any song. Additionally, the icon that should be between the solo and online modes in the main menu doesn’t load.

Steps I’ve Already Taken to Troubleshoot (to no avail):

  • From a Quest 3 headset perspective, I’ve:
    • Checked for software updates for both the headset and Beat Saber.
    • Restarted the Quest 3 multiple times.
    • Verified there is enough storage space on the device.
    • Reinstalled Beat Saber multiple times.
    • Tested other games, which work fine, except for VRChat (gets stuck on joining).
    • Checked controller connections to ensure they’re properly synced.
    • Factory reset the headset (this temporarily fixed the issue for a day, but the same problem reappeared after a few hours).
  • From an ISP/Network perspective, I’ve:
    • Tried port forwarding.
    • Assigned a static IP to the Quest 3 and placed it in DMZ.
    • Enabled UPnP.
    • Connected to my phone’s hotspot network instead of my home WiFi.
    • Restarted my WiFi several times.

Additional Information:

  • The problem occurs consistently every time I try to play Beat Saber.
  • The game is NOT modded, and the issue exists in all songs, including the default ones.
  • I can usually join online lobbies, but I can’t select a song, and when the game "starts," I’m left in the lobby. Occasionally, I can’t even join.
  • Other apps work fine, such as the internet browser, YouTube, Twitch, and Population One.
  • I’ve recorded a short video showcasing the issue, which you can watch here: Video Link

Hardware & Software Details:

  • Quest 3 Firmware Version:
  • Beat Saber Version: 1.40.0_2229 (code: 1466)

Request for Help:

  • Has anyone experienced similar issues with Beat Saber on the Quest 3? Any advice on how to fix this or other troubleshooting steps I should try would be greatly appreciated.


Running into the same issue today - I can click on songs, but I just get a spinning icon and the play button never appears.  Tried restarting the headset, router, etc. no luck.  Quest 3 On v72.

Honored Guest

I've had the same issues, I found just doing a restart of the quest, then logging straight into the profile you want seems to negate that looping load screen.

Honored Guest

I'm having the exact same issue. Quest 3 v72 with a slightly different build number. Same beat sabre version.

The only thing I can currently play is campaign which appears to load and run correctly. Online, like you, I can join games but they don't actually start. 

This feels network related. If I click unpurchased/not downloaded catalogues it just spins - no play list and no option to purchase. 

Haven't played BS for a few weeks so unsure when it started. 

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