12-12-2024 12:21 PM - edited 12-12-2024 12:36 PM
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12-22-2024 01:43 PM
Running into the same issue today - I can click on songs, but I just get a spinning icon and the play button never appears. Tried restarting the headset, router, etc. no luck. Quest 3 On v72.
01-02-2025 06:40 PM
I've had the same issues, I found just doing a restart of the quest, then logging straight into the profile you want seems to negate that looping load screen.
01-05-2025 08:47 AM - edited 01-05-2025 08:51 AM
I'm having the exact same issue. Quest 3 v72 with a slightly different build number. Same beat sabre version.
The only thing I can currently play is campaign which appears to load and run correctly. Online, like you, I can join games but they don't actually start.
This feels network related. If I click unpurchased/not downloaded catalogues it just spins - no play list and no option to purchase.
Haven't played BS for a few weeks so unsure when it started.
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