01-12-2025 04:00 PM - edited 01-12-2025 04:27 PM
I've been trying to fix wireless issues and Link cable issues for over a year and figured it was time I come here for help. I am on the 6GHz band, the only person in the band in my entire area, my dbm is 45, and I don't drop below 2400MBps. My speed and everything is rock solid even during when my issues happen. I have also tested 5GHz DFS and the issue is the exact same there as on the 6GHz band.
I stutter every 10-30 seconds, latency and network ms spikes up and down by 10 when it does. Main thing I've seen is my jitter ms will spike a bit whenever these things happen. There are barely any devices running in my house and the only one that's 6GHz is my Quest 3. At this point all I can gather is it's some sort of weird interference but I'm more than open to hearing ideas.
Now onto the Link cable, I have a perflog for it which is showing constant glitches, mispredicts, reprojections, and misprojections. I've included it as an attachment. I stutter every few seconds. The application fps drops by exactly 4 every time it happens, no more and no less than that. I'm in a USB 3.0 slot and the cable speed passes.
"reprojection_reasons": "5=8;8=1;9=9;11=3;" is another notable thing I saw in the log.
Here's my system.
RTX 4070 Super
i5 13600k @ 5.1GHz
32GB DDR4@3200MHz
Samsung 980 Pro NVME
a week ago
Is the issue a almost timeable lag spike at a regular interval but smooth sailing between spikes?
If so i am experiencing this issue also
works fine playing through oculus software but wont work right with any other software.
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