12-27-2024 05:29 PM
I have never used VR before. Someone gave me a Samsung gear VR oculus. I have been trying for days to get it to work and seem to be going in circles. I have not found any way to get help from Meta, so I am asking here. Is it possible to still use a Samsung Gear VR Oculus with a Samsung S7(which is says is compatible on the web site) or is it not possible anymore. I thought I read someone that the software can no longer be downloaded, but if you already have it. when I get to the download and install software on the phone, it just keeps repeating download/install, and goes no where. I'd really like to know if it can still be used, how, and if it can't be used, just make it clear and say so.
12-27-2024 05:39 PM
@DaBubba2 this might help -
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