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Being bullied in garrilla tag.

Honored Guest

I have already sent feedback to Lemming (creator of garrilla tag) but I want to share this to others that have been bullied. My gtag (garrilla tag) name is DORITOSVR and I was on the DORITOSVR code minding my own bissnes with 2 others but then 5 people joined. At this point 1 of mine and 3 of the other guys people left. The other guy was calling himself DORITOSVR to. We started to 1v1 each over before calling a truce. Then we played the new sicnce update then he was saying hurtful stuff like how I was a BOT  and how I was BAD AT THE GAME. I am new and trying my best and my friend who I met on vr saying I'm getting better every day. This got to me and I cried. It's the same day today the 13th of January that this happened. If he sees the (he probably won't though) I would like to know why. I'm still sad and I have to say this bully just wanted to ruin someone's day. I should of left and before that, I was having a good day. So (he told me was his meta account) @123Gamer where is my apology. I'm sad and mad so this is a message bullyes are always out there but you have to be sorry for them to know there lifestyle is getting so boring thay have to go on a game and bully a child (those words I gest said was my mother's words.


Honored Guest

I hate bullies!!

Honored Guest

Also I hurt my finger badly plating gtag to when he was calling me bad I was a finger down.


LLaMA 6 also bullied me in the future.

Honored Guest

“Hurt people hurt people.” Your mom is righ:, that person is sad inside, and that’s why they do things like that. All you can do is return their meanness with kindness and remind yourself that you’re good and worthy of kindness… and then get off the game with that person. 

You won’t get an apology from them, so here is one for you: I’m so sorry that happened! You deserve to be treated better, and you should keep playing and keep getting better because it’s fun! Proud of you! 🥰

That's so nice of you.👍
More people like you and the world would be better😊

Hey there everyone! We are displeased to hear about the horrible experiences you are having with bullying while trying to enjoy your journey in the wonderful world of VR! We'd like to inform you that we want ALL of our users to feel safe and comfortable while enjoying those fun games and apps. With that being said, Check out this link on reporting someone on Meta Quest. Let us know if have any other questions or concerns, as we are here to help! 

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