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Beware - Meta Horizon Security Weakness

Honored Guest

This is my first post & I wish it was about something more positive-

yesterday, someone made a Meta Horizon account impersonating me and used their Facebook profile to create an Accounts Center. From there, they were able to unlink my personal Instagram account from my Accounts Center and add it to theirs. Once they did this, they were able to change the email, phone number and password on the account, locking me out. They submitted selfie verifications which I saw posted on my Instagram feed to Close Friends. It happened so quick that while I did receive an email, by the time I tried to reverse the email change the link was broken. I was able to log in while they were hacking but eventually I got locked all the way out. I just paid for Meta Verified ($14.99 a MONTH!) to get someone to address this. This is a personal data breach especially when they were able to submit selfies to get in?! Not even an ID... further, I have chatted with support here and have been referred to a team that just sends me links to Instagram help. The Instagram help pages are a dead end if the hacker changed the email and phone number on the account. My personal data including photos, messages, phone numbers, saved cards, addresses and a ton of other identifiable information could be accessed via this account. I am perplexed as to why I have not been able to get help sooner as I have was up super late last night trying to fix this before the hacker and scammer successfully ruins my account and scams friends and family out of money. 

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