02-27-2024 02:22 PM - edited 02-27-2024 02:42 PM
Subject. Every time I've installed it, it would show installed for a moment (i get the notification) and then it just deletes itself after completion. Every other game installs perfectly
02-29-2024 12:38 AM
Thanks for bringing this concern to our attention, @praWper. We definitely want to make sure you're able to enjoy playing Blade & Sorcery without having to download every time, so we'd love to get to the bottom of this!
If you have already started troubleshooting this concern, we'd like to gather what has been completed, as well as the following:
As we continue working to make sure you're all set, please let us know how things appear while downloading the game!
03-10-2024 07:21 AM
Pssst! You still doing alright? Just checking in to see if you're still in need of our assistance! We want to make sure we can get you back on track!
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