12-02-2024 06:10 AM
Hello! I bought a new Meta Quest 3s from a online retail shop in Europe (RO) (EMAG) and activated it in the Meta Horizon app. When i go to my account informations and devices, it says that "Your device is not covered by an active warranty or the warranty has expired."
Is there a mistake?
12-02-2024 07:18 AM
Hi @sebester.2024 🙂
I think you are out of luck.
Metas limited warranty says that your device is covered by warranty if you buy from an authorized retailer.
Unfortunately, EMAG is not an authorized retailer for Meta Quest and Romania is not a supported country.
Meta Quest supported countries and regions
12-03-2024 11:06 AM
Hello @Choleni !
Oh well, as it is already obvious, i was unlucky. Sadly, i did not research it before purchasing my Meta Quest 3s.
Thank you for helping me out!
12-03-2024 12:06 PM
Maybe your Quest works like a charm and you never need warranty at all.😁
I never needed the warranty for my Quests.
I'll keep my fingers crossed 🤞
12-04-2024 12:10 PM
Hey @Choleni ! I just got a message from Meta Horizon that some information was changed for my account.
I checked the devices tab with the activated product name of my Meta Quest 3s and now it says that "Your device is protected by our Limited Warranty until Tue, Dec 2, 2025."
So it seems like the warranty activated.
12-04-2024 12:23 PM
That's great @sebester.2024 👍👍
I'm happy for you, but be aware that if there are any problems, Meta probably won't ship a replacement to your country.
12-26-2024 11:08 AM
got mine from Argos never heard of no limited warranty i does say on mine thou the warranty expired in 1969 interesting pmsl i was gonna query it but it must be the limited warranty bull
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