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Brand new Metaquest 3 not booting OS


Got a brand new Metaquest 3 for family for Christmas, left if plugged in charging for several hours. Then connected to WiFi and performed update as required (all on Dec. 25 between about 8am and 4pm EST). System went to black screen and stayed that way well into the morning of Dec. 26. At that time tried to do a factory reset.

Got to what I assume is boot loader screen, performed factory reset. Then rebooted, system flashed Meta logo for a little (1 or 2 minutes) then returned to boot loader screen. If I instruct system to boot it does the Meta logo and then bootloader screen, if I hit the power button or shut the system down it's the same story when it restarts. It is as if the OS is corrupted or deleted.

If I am correct, is there some way I can load the OS on a USB key and mount the USB key to refresh the system? (Or can I force update via USB cable connected to a Windows PC?)  Given that I don't seem to have a working OS I'm not sure how else to facilitate remote support, Wifi clearly won't work at this point.

Thank you!



@GoldCanary838  you could try the meta quest update tool. BUT I would read the following post first as there's an issue with a current update that's causing the headsets to be unresponsive. Please keep your eye on the thread below for any official updates from meta. Add your voice to the thread.


Meta Quest software update | Meta Store

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

Based on what I've read on that thread, it looks to be 18 pages long at time of reading!, I've already bricked my band new device! **bleep** thing was out of box for less than a day and it's already less useful than a boat anchor!

@GoldCanary838  as long as it's not completely unresponsive, you still may be able to recover it.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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