06-23-2022 11:39 AM
I'm playing on the Quest 2 v41 competitive VR on echo and i got now a lot of frame loss i played normally on 120hz but change it off and still got the issue i can't play the game anymore and don't know why did happened can u please help me it's unbarebale
06-24-2022 12:10 AM
Same here. v41 seems to have created some performance issues with Link and the Quest 2 for PCVR...
06-24-2022 08:05 PM
We can imagine this has been pretty rough, but we want to let you know we hear you and we've seen similar reports. Can you each check in with us here so we can dive into some possible troubleshooting? Thank you!
06-27-2022 01:13 PM
Having the same issue. Trying to play hyperdash and I get these hitches every min...It is ruining the experince.
06-27-2022 01:36 PM
That's definitely not what we want to hear! This has been popping up for a few users, and we hear y'all loud and clear. Please, reach out by following this link and we'll see what we can do for you!
That being said, we also have an entire forum dedicated to v41. You can find that here, and we highly recommend you pop on by. Since v41 is rolling out, that forum is basically an ongoing conversation, and we go over all manner of things related to v41 there.
06-27-2022 11:53 PM
Ye V41 basically broke the Q2. Will take a month or two to fix.
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