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Bug report: runtime 1.3: Oculus Home crash computer on dodgy DK2 USB/HDMI connexion

Expert Protege

I have a DK2 with cables that needs replacement (it's not the subject of this topic). If the conexion between the rift and the computer is broken, the computer locks up for a few seconds, then reboot.

I know this software is not suposed to support the DK2, (and CV1 will be at home only in a few months, sadly) but it should not crash the whole system, something is wrong somewhere ^^"

I have no Idea where I can get error logs to submit, like with the older runtime, but I would be happy to get them if @cybereality post an updated procedure :tongue: 
CV1+Touch; Running on GTX980 - 4770K - 32GB DDR3 Developer at LIV

Honored Guest
I have the same problem. MY DK2 is connected through a USB and HDMI Extention Cable and it causes my Win10 to freeze on Startup.

Honored Guest
My computer locks up, if I turn on or off DK2 with Oculus Home. (at the open Home is better not to touch the button of Rift)

Expert Protege
Well, I bought a 3 meter (10 feet?) slim HDMI cable from amazon to replace the dead one on my DK2 so I don't experience it anymore. But still, an Oculus Home crash should not crash Windows itself. (only tested on Windows 10)
CV1+Touch; Running on GTX980 - 4770K - 32GB DDR3 Developer at LIV
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