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Buying multiple copies of a game

Honored Guest

We recently purchased an new VR headset during Christmas. I created a second family account for my son. I understand some games we can play together through family sharing and some we cannot. I am trying to play Epic Roller Coaster with my son. It says we cannot play at the same time. I am ok with purchasing another copy of the game but the app won't let me purchase another copy of the game since it is listed as "sharing." How to a buy multiple copies of the same game so I could play with my son? I appreciate any help



Hi @PoetAssassin 🙂

aren't you able to use the "gift" button in store to gift the game to your son?

Thanks for asking. I couldn't find a gift button either. We do "family share" on steam and it seems much simpler. Here we have 2 devices and 2 accounts and it always seems to be wrong. When I log in as myself, it wont let me purchase or gift the game because "I own it," unless the gift button is somewhere else. When I am logged on the kids account it wont let me purchase it either because its "downloaded." 

I'm sorry I meant to add unless I missed the "gift" button. I couldn't seem to find one.

Look in store in the Meta Horizon  app on phone for the game.

I own beat saber..... do you see the gift button on my Screenshot?

You should have it too.


Honored Guest

I must be doing something wrong. Mine only says "Launch."

Even when I scroll down I dont see any "purchase" or "gift" options.  The "..." allows me to share or flag the app.

Honored Guest

I think this problem might be unique to this game. I purchased other games and it says I can "gift" them. So maybe the problem is just with the Epic Roller Coaster game


My guess is the issue here is the game Epic Roller Coasters is free. So gifting doesn't make sense. It would still need two accounts to own it because multiplayer is most likely based on the Meta account and the server would be confused by the same person joining twice.

So in theory your son should be able to get the game on his account, however the game is rated as 15+, so if he has a child account that may not be allowed.

I haven't used the family management stuff, but there's supposed to be a way in there to approve games even if they have a higher rating.



Author: Oculus Monitor,  Auto Oculus Touch,  Forum Dark Mode, Phantom Touch Remover,  X-Plane Fixer
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It is strange. It will let him play and separately it will let me play. But it wont let us play at the same time. Oh well

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