3 weeks ago
Hello. I was wondering if, when I buy a Quest 3 from the first owner, I, as the second owner, would be able to use the warranty if necessary. The first owner purchased the Quest 3 on Amazon. My question is: If there are any problems with the Quest 3, would I be able to send it for repair under warranty? Just to clarify, the Quest 3 I want to buy was purchased on Amazon and hasn’t been opened. The seller has sent me the invoice from Amazon.I’ve also heard that there might be issues with claiming the warranty when you’re the second owner, especially if the device was purchased on Amazon rather than directly from the official Meta website.
3 weeks ago
You won't get any warranty issues with a device bought from Amazon.
Amazon is an authorized Meta retailer.
Stores that sell Meta Quest | Meta Help Centre
You say the box is unopened..... means the Quest isn't even set up with an account.
When you set up the Quest, the warranty that belongs to the serial number will show up on your account.
One problem, that could occur is, if you buy from somebody from another country.
If you have problems with the device and want use the warranty, you have to deal with Meta, not Amazon.
Meta only ships replacements to the country where the device was bought. also only to supported countries.
3 weeks ago
I wasn’t sure whether the warranty repair is handled by Amazon or Meta. I’ve heard that if there’s a problem with the Quest and you want to report it to Amazon, the issue can only be reported by the person who originally purchased the headset and whose name is on the invoice. As a second owner, I wouldn’t be able to report the issue to Amazon. Did I understand correctly that I can report the problem with the Quest to Meta and ask them to repair it? So do you think that i should buy this quest, i can even go and meet with this seller because he is in my city. And yes he bought the Quest in the same country where I live, in Poland.
3 weeks ago
Yes, you can talk to Meta directly about warranty issues.
To be 100% sure, you can ask @MetaQuestSupport.
Click on their name to visit their profile page, then click the "send message" button.
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