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By Meta update Hard Bricked Oculus 2 gogles, and possible EDL Qualcomm FLASH ??


Hello All and Meta,

My Oculus 2 VR gogles was also currupted and hard bricked by Meta update, that was issued in December 2024.

By the way I found, that it is not first time Meta problem, there were similar situation in year 2023 and 2022.

But this one is massive.

I am living in NON supported country by Meta. I live in Europe, but Meta wrote me that I need to deliver the VR gogles to USA or Taiwan. Both would costs me really big money, comparing with the problem.

I completely do not understand WHY META PUSHED UPDATE IN COUNTRIES, THAT ARE NOT SUPPORTED ? How could Meta rooled out update, that can possible demage function of its products to countries, where Meta do not provide any support ?

For mine Oculus 2 is not working the solution of USB Sideload update by pushing POWER button plus Volume - button for 45s. No side boot menu appeared, black screen. No other buttons combination works either.

Anyway. I HAVE POSSIBLE SOLUTION. But Meta support told me, that support has no contact to Meta enginnering department and they can not forward my question.

My Oculus 2 can boot to Qualcom EDL mode !!! As most probably all other bricked Oculus 2 can either.

When you PRESS POWER and VOLUME + and VOLUME - bottons all together, just for a couple of second, than Windows computer recognize the Oculus 2 and the Qualcomm EDL mode is started. This EDL mode can upload complete software to the Oculus 2, same process as to upload firmware do any Qualcomm smartphone.

For example using QFIL software to upload the firmware to Oculus 2 Qualcomm chipset.

So all I think all is needed is a ONE firmware with XML file that map the firmware Oculus 2 memory address.

I have Oculus 2 256 GB.

Why Meta do not provide this software image which can flash fresh ROM into the Qualcomm chipset and make the Oculus work again ?

Can anyone help with this? It seems is simple. Anyway I can not damage anythink more, as the Oculus 2 256GB of mine, is completely bricked.



@Morbidus_CZ  is it possible to pull the image off a working headset with a reader?

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR

As it is common Qualcomm chipset, I guess if there is any such standard process, it should be working. But I do not yet.  

I have little improvment, it is a dumping the Payload.bin OTA update for Oculus 2, that is presented on some webpategs. Dumping such file means to get firmware for each partition. Than I think is only needed rawprogram.xml file and than finally flash using Oculus 2 Qualcomm EDL mode.

So yes, I see three ways now. 

1) dump the payload.bin file that contains the OTA update for Oculus

2) dump firmware from working headset

3) Meta will help and will release complete ROM to be flash using EDL mode and QFIL software


@Morbidus_CZ  I really don't think that meta will help and release a ROM to flash software to the headset.

Four Rift CV1s, Quest 2, Quest 3, Lenovo Explorer WMR, GearVR
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