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[CV1] Audio in "Oculus Video" is playing on speakers, not on headphones

Playing videos in the "Oculus Video" App has an audio output problem. The audio of the videos (Facebook, vimeo, twitch) is playing on my speakers, not on the CV1 headphones.
The menu sounds are ok, only the output from the video is wrong.
Oculus home -> settings -> Devices -> Rift Headset -> VR Audio Output is set to "Rift Headphones".
I can't find any settings for this in the video app.
Someone with the same problem?
Any ideas how to fix this?

Honored Guest
Any solution to this? Having the same issue, as well as the same thing happening on some external apps like DCS. I installed my CV1 yesterday, on a new computer on which I installed windows 10 yesterday so everything is the latest version. The settings has the audio coming out of Oculus. Cant figure it out.

Just updated to the new 0.15.2 "Oculus Video".
The issue with the audio is still present.

Honored Guest
I just got my Rift headset and installed Oculus Video and I'm experiencing the same issue, so I guess it's not solved yet.

Honored Guest
I experienced this (or a related) issue too.  This is how I resolved it.

After initial installation, Oculus app audio would play on the headset as it is supposed to.  However, at some point within the following month, audio in all apps started playing on the system speakers instead.  The first thing I checked was of course Settings/Devices/Oculus Rift where you can redirect the audio input/output.  But those settings remained on Rift, not system default audio.  Nor did setting them to Windows audio and then going back to Rift audio have any noticeable effect towards resolving the problem.

Significantly, the Windows "Manage Audio Devices" control panel didn't any longer list the Rift headphones as audio output device.  I am positive that it used to be listed there.  Apparently, the system just stopped seeing the Rift headphones as audio output device.

So the first thing I tried was disconnecting the Rift and have device discovery rediscover the headset.  No joy.

If it wasn't the headset config that prevents the system from seeing the audio output, the next possibility was the USB card.  So I deleted the driver for my USB card (Inateck PCI-E to USB 3.0 5-Port PCI Express Card) in Device Manager, rebooted, and had the card re-detected.

And that solved the audio problem.  Audio would play on the headset again, the headset would appear under "Manage Audio Devices" again, etc.  

The only problem remaining is that Settings/Devices/Oculus Rift now recommends a USB driver update and getting a Fresco Logic updated driver would improve things over the current (Windows default USB card) driver.  Not that I have experienced any actual problems with the Windows default driver.
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