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CV1 saying usb 2 even though plugged into usb 3.

Honored Guest
So ever since I got my cv1 last fall I have been having problems with it thinking that I am using USB 2 even though I am using USB 3. 2 of my sensors are plugged into USB 3 and those work fine, the other sensor is plugged into USB 2 through an extension cable. I have the inateck USB 3 card also, and plugging the headset into that doesn't fix it either. I currently have both sensors plugged into the inateck card so that my USB 3 controller on my mobo can be fully dedicated to the headset. I have no idea why the oculus software won't pick it up as being USB 3. All of my USB devices are working fine except for the generic superspeed USB hub, which keeps giving me error 31, and uninstalling it won't fix that, but as far as I know, that is only a mobo USB controller, so I don't think it would have any effect of the inateck card. Also if the USB 3 on my mobo was just plain not working, then I don't know why the sensors would be picked up as USB 3. My motherboard is a msi b250m pro-vdh.
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