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CV1 screens grey not black?

Hi all, i have a question to all those who have or have tried a CV1. The black level in my rift are not what I was expecting. Black screens look like a washed out grey colour with light red smearing at the top and bottom when on a blank screen, the sort of look black has on an LCD. I was expecting the screen to be true black, as in not light from them at all when displaying black screens. They are oled's after all and oled's are known for amazing black levels. is this normal?

Despite that still loving it. 



Scott185 said:


Wow, that sure is an improvement!
I did try a reinstall before, but did not have much success, I guess something might have changed since, or it's simply because we have different components in our computers.

Rising Star
Err... Hrmm. My screen definitely looks like the before(not nearly as much red dots, but they are there). I also noticed that my godrays got suspiciously worse a few days ago and this could explain why too. I'm on AMD, may try to reinstall some things.
Gaming: Intel i7 3770k @ 4.2Ghz | R9 290 | 16GB RAM | 240GB SSD | 1 TB HDD Server: AMD FX 6300 @ 4.4Ghz | GT 610 | 8GB RAM | 240GB SSD | 320GB HDD

Rising Star

Scott185 said:


My word, That's a great improvement.
 Mines about half way between the two.
Modded Coolermaster RC-1000 Cosmos/1000W Corsair HX Series i7 6700k o/c to 4.7ghz Corsair H100i water cooler. Zotac 1080Ti 16 gb DDR4 o/c to 3000mhz Predator XB271HU 27" 2560x1440 IPS G-Sync 165Hz

Nooo spoke too soon, its back :(. Trying to retrace the changes iv made to see what caused it. I installed some Intel drivers, Ai suit 3 for my motherboard and steam for my games. Thinking maybe something to do with steam VR as that's the only thing that has a close relation with the headset but uninstalling did not solve problem. 

Is it possible that some sort of driver or hardware setting is changed when steam VR is setup !?

Rising Star
It's possible I think. Steam VR hooks the Oculus Runtime like any other Rift app. Maybe it's causing something suspicious? Or it could be unrelated.

At least you know the problem is at the software level. That's good. Software can be fixed, reinstalled, etc. If it was the panels themselves it would be bad.
Gaming: Intel i7 3770k @ 4.2Ghz | R9 290 | 16GB RAM | 240GB SSD | 1 TB HDD Server: AMD FX 6300 @ 4.4Ghz | GT 610 | 8GB RAM | 240GB SSD | 320GB HDD

Rising Star
Could be worth flagging this up officially, Maybe something Oculus can look into and maybe find a solution for?
Modded Coolermaster RC-1000 Cosmos/1000W Corsair HX Series i7 6700k o/c to 4.7ghz Corsair H100i water cooler. Zotac 1080Ti 16 gb DDR4 o/c to 3000mhz Predator XB271HU 27" 2560x1440 IPS G-Sync 165Hz

Already have a support ticket open.

Little update. Restored windows which removes all apps and drivers. Re-installed oculus and the black levels were restored to normal. Put latest Nvidia drivers back on and bam grey screens again. even though the first time I reinstalled windows the same driver was used and it worked. So clearly a driver issue somewhere.

Rising Star
Interesting, So could just be Nvidia auto level issues. Could be a simple fix?
Modded Coolermaster RC-1000 Cosmos/1000W Corsair HX Series i7 6700k o/c to 4.7ghz Corsair H100i water cooler. Zotac 1080Ti 16 gb DDR4 o/c to 3000mhz Predator XB271HU 27" 2560x1440 IPS G-Sync 165Hz

Rising Star
It's not only Nvidia. I've an AMD r9 290 and my focus screen looks like the before image, with nontrue blacks and red dots(not as bad as Scotts, but definitely there). And I only noticed it about 4 days ago... I'm pretty sure it wasn't like that before. My driver version is 16.15.2211

A little later I'm gonna try fiddling around with reinstalling GPU drivers and such and see if mine changes. Will updated then.
Gaming: Intel i7 3770k @ 4.2Ghz | R9 290 | 16GB RAM | 240GB SSD | 1 TB HDD Server: AMD FX 6300 @ 4.4Ghz | GT 610 | 8GB RAM | 240GB SSD | 320GB HDD
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