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CV1 screens grey not black?

Hi all, i have a question to all those who have or have tried a CV1. The black level in my rift are not what I was expecting. Black screens look like a washed out grey colour with light red smearing at the top and bottom when on a blank screen, the sort of look black has on an LCD. I was expecting the screen to be true black, as in not light from them at all when displaying black screens. They are oled's after all and oled's are known for amazing black levels. is this normal?

Despite that still loving it. 

Honored Guest
I got my third Rift and there I also have the gray display problem.  Any News for a Software fix? 

Honored Guest
I seem to be having this exact issue.
its only seems to be happening in one screen for me.

Is there any update for this fix?
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