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CV1 screens grey not black?

Hi all, i have a question to all those who have or have tried a CV1. The black level in my rift are not what I was expecting. Black screens look like a washed out grey colour with light red smearing at the top and bottom when on a blank screen, the sort of look black has on an LCD. I was expecting the screen to be true black, as in not light from them at all when displaying black screens. They are oled's after all and oled's are known for amazing black levels. is this normal?

Despite that still loving it. 

Heroic Explorer
There's also the fact that the Rift is intentionally keeping the screens lit because pure black leads to an issue called "black smear," where the edges of dark things have purple trails bleeding out. It's a trade-off.

The above didn't help, have tried an app that forces full range and a clean install of Nvida drivers. The problem seems to be exaggerated by some sort of red smearing i have on the left display that covers the top half of the screen. also a more concentrated red smeared line on the right screen at the bottom. if i look just through the right screen black do seem a lot cleaner and darker without that read mist over it all. 

What App forced full range Scott?
I7-4790K - GTX980ti - 32GB - PB287Q - G502 - A50 - GAMEZ4RO - G19s - E17k - Xonar7.1 - Xenyx502 - AT2050 - H105 - T300RS - XBox1Elite - X55- 4K/DK2/CV1/VIVE

It's called: NV_RGBFullRangeToggle. I found it some forum when I was looking into the problem. I cant find link but a google search should find it. 

There are quite a few purple, pink haze artefacts being reported. I wonder if this is why the production has slowed down.
Core i7-7700k @ 4.9 Ghz | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 3000Mhz | 2x 1TB Samsung Evo | 2x 4GB WD Black
ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO | MSI AERO GTX 1080 OC @ 2000Mhz | Corsair Carbide Series 400C White (RGB FTW!) 

Be kind to one another 🙂

I got my CV1 today, I'm also having problems with 'red mist' over both screens, banding/posterization, potentially limited RGB range and wrong gamma.
One of the worst examples for black-crush so far is the Ant Cinema in Oculus Video, but it can be seen everywhere, even during Setup.

Tested without improvement:
Reinstall Nvidia drivers (Clean)
Use DVI-Hdmi adapter
Nvidia Full range and Limited range tested via registry hack
Reboot computer multiple times

The computer has a fresh Windows 10 install, so no old Oculus drivers/software interfering.

I remember seeing something 'similar' when using DK2 and Elite Dangerous, but it could be resolved by restarting the computer, so I guess there was some kind of bug in that specific software.

If someone has any advice please assist, will use regular support if I'm unable to resolve it during the weekend.

Fresh install of windows 10, latest drivers for everything and my black issue is now sorted. Now black scenes are true black. Example: the void environment in Oculus video is now absolutely black, not a shade of dark grey as it was before, and the red smearing or haze seem to have gone also. Really happy now, this was the most disappointing part of the rift when i got it and I was starting to think it was a hardware fault. so happy now thing look so much better.

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