01-05-2023 08:07 AM
Is there a trick to this? Wheel doesn’t turn, pressing the audible flag doesn’t work. Do I have to be in Pro mode?
01-05-2023 10:11 AM
Hey SirWarrenPeace, thanks for reaching out to us about this issue! We're not quite sure what you are referring to in your question. Please open a support ticket with our Online Support Team with a more specific description of your issue so they can determine how to resolve it!
12-08-2023 11:45 AM
You can't call an audible during game play...Why?
12-13-2023 06:00 PM
Hey hey @Urki.Son! I've been meaning to try out the NFL Pro Era games, and I know I'll definitely need to be making some last minute calls myself! I went ahead and looked around to see what I could find for calling an audible. From what it looks like, you should be able to call an audible by looking at your wrist. I think you should definitely be able to do it up until you snap the ball, but not sure if you can do it after the snap if that's what you're looking for.
If you're looking for some more specific answers or to give any feedback, I'd definitely recommend reaching out to the developers here to see if they have anything to add!
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