07-10-2024 07:05 AM - last edited on 07-10-2024 09:58 PM by AliceinVRworld
Camera app just hangs since v66 update. Other users reporting the same issue on Reddit and Facebook. Factory reset doesn't fix. I can still cast if the game has a casting option.
Solved! Go to Solution.
07-10-2024 08:56 AM
FIXED. Installed v67 via the beta option on the phone app. Camera now works again.
07-10-2024 08:56 AM
FIXED. Installed v67 via the beta option on the phone app. Camera now works again.
07-10-2024 09:58 PM - edited 07-10-2024 09:58 PM
Hey there! I see you were having issues with the headset camera app. However, I am happy to see the newest version fixed this issue! Def wan to make sure your headset is running smoothly in order to enjoy your VR games! Don't hesitate in reaching out if you ever need any assistance and remember to always submit bug reports especially with any new update!
Our team wants to make sure our community reports anything not working!
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