12-22-2024 02:01 PM - edited 12-22-2024 02:02 PM
2 factor authentication uses an old number that no longer works… and I can’t change it because I’m not signed in. Are my games I bought for my Quest basically gone? I’ve been seeing that the customer support is near useless 99% of the time all over the internet.
This is an alt account just for asking this question…
12-22-2024 03:27 PM - edited 12-22-2024 03:27 PM
@NeedHelpplz you could try sending a message to About MetaQuestSupport - Meta Community Forums
good luck
12-23-2024 01:00 AM
How is the original number not working?
Line terminated? Sim no longer working or phone broken?
Are you logged into the account anywhere? You might be able to check the recovery codes.
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