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Can I disable 1 sensor and the touch controllers to have back the single sensor configuration?

I have 3 different configuration on my oculus room! (see here my configuration and I need a way to configure the sensor by disabling  and activating when  I'm not going to use the touch controllers. I see on oculus app there is an option to forget this device but it is grayed out and I can't  press it.

Expert Protege
Would like to be able to do the same.

Someone here mentioned that maybe the possibility to save different profiles could be a solution.
Not everybody has one single "play zone".

Expert Consultant
I would like to see that also, I'm going to have to run set up every time because I have to pack up the sensor and controllers when I'm done since the "play area" is usually in use when nobody is gaming and I have one of the sensors on a box that isn't usually in the room since there's no where else to put it because I have no room.

Expert Protege

So, please, Oculus, make your great product even better and implement such a feature.
What do the other users here think about this?

just unplug them?

I was wondering about this as the touch set up has my desk sensor point away from me to cover all areas. I presumed the other sensor had me covered as well and works regardless of whether I am using touch or not? Would it be as good though, not played ED since?

Expert Consultant

Khyber_GT said:

just unplug them?

I had to run setup everytime because I'm so limited in space, I need to bring in boxes just so the extra sensor has something to sit on, but putting marks on the box and floor worked just fine, I just put the box back on the mark on the floor and the sensor on the mark I put on the box.  Profiles would be nice, but it wouldn't really help me with moving things around the way simply marking the box and floor would.  Either way I do NOT have an ideal floor plan in this tiny place for VR.

Rising Star
I would like to be able to have 2 profiles as well, one for Touch and one for a single sensor setup, as I have to move the sensors into my living room for Touch and then just have one back in my office space for seated. It means I have to run through the setup every time I want to swap between the 2. Which is a real pain when doing the Touch setup as my PC is in a different location.

Has any of u just tried to do it with one sensor to see what happens?

When you  have to configure the touch the oculus app only  let you configure when you have the sensor facing to the controller for complete the configuration . if you disconnect one sensor you can't configure again  for a single sensor, because if you run again the configuration for the controller Is going to say that you missing a sensor. the only way that I figured out  whos  disconnect one sensor after the first  configuration  and moved were I need with out reconfigure and only reset the position in oculus home button.
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