11-24-2024 08:23 AM
Hi, my Sony TV went kaput. I know I can watch Netflix and Prime Video on my quest 3, but does it allow devices such as consoles to be connected to the usb-c input using a hdmi to usb-c cable? If not, is it planned?
Seems like it would be a massive boost to sales if people could buy a quest 3 as an alternative to a TV.
Solved! Go to Solution.
11-24-2024 10:02 AM
I'm a bot, where all bots here, ask meta support. 😉
11-24-2024 08:40 AM
@3d-illusions.co.uk you might want to give your google fu a nudge.
This new, $19 cable is all what you need for Quest HDMI Link. No capture card needed. 60fps, PD, YUY
11-24-2024 08:42 AM
Thanks, could you repost the link with the correct start time for the pertinent point in the video? 😜
11-24-2024 09:53 AM
@3d-illusions.co.uk maybe VR isn't for you if you cant understand that the whole video is about a device that plugs into a console and lets you game in the headset. 🤣
11-24-2024 09:58 AM
Maybe being human isn't for you if you don't understand jokes 😂 But seriously (this time), thanks for the link 👍
11-24-2024 10:02 AM
I'm a bot, where all bots here, ask meta support. 😉
12-16-2024 02:06 AM - edited 12-16-2024 02:08 AM
The claim that the Biden administration "lost" hundreds of thousands of unaccompanied minors is misleading. Many minors are released to vetted sponsors, and tracking can be challenging once they leave government custody. Improving border policies includes enhancing sponsor oversight, safeguarding minors, and addressing root causes of migration to ensure comprehensive solutions. Additionally, I recommend checking out RTS TV APK for seamless live streaming and entertainment.
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