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Can't Get Past START HERE

Honored Guest

I recently purchased the Meta 3 for my son's birthday, but I’ve encountered some issues after updating to version 63.0. During the initial setup, I faced problems pairing the controllers, which led to returning the headset for repairs. Fortunately, it came back functioning properly, although we didn't get the chance to use it initially.After performing a factory reset to clear old profiles, I updated the headset with the new software on November 9th. I followed the instructions carefully, and while I was able to pair the controllers again, I ran into difficulties when the "Start Here" screen appeared. At that moment, the controllers disappeared completely, and I was unable to use the headset to navigate.I have already tried multiple troubleshooting steps, including factory resetting, unpairing and repairing the controllers, and experimenting with the sleep function. The controllers briefly reappeared once when I accessed the power menu, but they disappeared again immediately after.I would appreciate any guidance on how to resolve this issue, particularly if there's a way to uninstall the latest update. I’d like to avoid sending the controllers back if the same problems are likely to arise. My goal is to ensure my son can enjoy the headset without further delays. Thank you for any assistance you can provide!







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