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Can't add a payment method after many many attempts

Honored Guest

I've read every post about payment method problems on this forum and tried everything mentioned.

4+ different bank cards (nothing weird, just Mastercards and Visas) in the mobile app on the PC, in the headset. I even added a bunch of stuff to my FB account just in case it helps.


I've forgotten how many times I've restarted or logged out, of every account or device associated with the Meta Quest 2. I'm not sure what else I can do at this point.


I've chatted with support. They've asked me basically the same questions they ask everyone. And I've tried ALL of it but nothing so far.


I will continue to check with support until they find a solution.



Accepted Solutions

Honored Guest

After 2 days, the support team fixed my payment problem. Yay! Love my new Meta Quest 2 and their quick help.


View solution in original post


Honored Guest

After 2 days, the support team fixed my payment problem. Yay! Love my new Meta Quest 2 and their quick help.


Honored Guest

What is the best web and mobile app payment gateway to integrate into an app, in terms of UX, payment options and lowest fees?

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