01-17-2025 03:38 PM
I can't add my payment method to my account. This effects my entire Meta account, Meta Horizon, Facebook messenger payments, Facebook, instagram, Facebook ads manager, On the phone, on 2 computers, on meta quest. I've tried 3 different cards at 3 different banks, I've called the banks and they aren't flagging any transactions, they're not receiving transactions. I was able to add the cards to my wife's account from my devices.
Seems like there's some kind of Meta-wide hold on my account for some reason.
a month ago
Same issue here. been talking to customer service for 2 months now. I even had to provide identity to prove it was my card. last month they said they were looking into it, and now they just send me the same copy/paste reply about still investigating. Card works everywhere else. bank has said its nothing on their side. frustrating!
I missed the holiday sale and cant get any games on my new quest3, the weirder thing is that my card worked fine when I had the quest 2
a month ago
So brand new quest owned for 2 months! zero new games! tried everything. Customer service is not helpful at the moment. some guy just answered my mail today and said the internal team will look into it and they said the same 1 month ago.. I even got an e-mail from @noreply.meta so probably the "internal" team saying it was fixed and it was not, let them know it didnt work and I am now on e-mail nr 28 for this round.
also did about 20 emails back and forth in November
a month ago
Wow, that is really annoying. I might just have to create a new account at this point.
3 weeks ago
Don't know if you got this fixed. I had the same issue. What I did was added my delivery address to my account (including name). Then it let me add my card when I tried. Hope this helps anyone looking for a solution.
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