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Can't download anything from Oculus store.

So as of yesterday I've been unable to download anything from the oculus store. I've repaired and reinstalled occulus home to no effect. I've checked my antivirus and firewall and theres been no issues. I'm not sure what else to try.

This seems to be the error in the log 

[Service_2017-02-04_12.11.45.txt] 04/02 12:13:46.266 {!ERROR!} [Librarian] [librarian_event] { command: library install-chunked-package, description: Error starting chunked install: OVRLibraryService.Libraries.LibrarianException: Unable to move \\?\Volume{f79fda8e-0ada-417d-a233-dbf7defc651e}\Program Files\Oculus\Software\tmp\ccp-games-newcastle-eve-valkyrie to \\?\Volume{f79fda8e-0ada-417d-a233-dbf7defc651e}\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Staging\ccp-games-newcastle-eve-valkyrie ---> Daybreak.Core.Io+IoException: Error installing '\\?\Volume{f79fda8e-0ada-417d-a233-dbf7defc651e}\Program Files\Oculus\Software\Staging\ccp-games-newcastle-eve-valkyrie'. ---> System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied

Honored Guest
Same issue here , started last night.  Nothing will download. Seems I wasted ten bucks on a new game I cant load. Should have gone with Steam.

Honored Guest
I'm having trouble with a promo code download. First when I tried to claim it, it said something went wrong, we are fixing the issue. Now, it says that my code has already been claimed. Looked in my orders, nothing shows. I'm getting highly irritated.

Yeah its super frustrating. I have a ticket in with support, so I'm really hoping to get it fixed. If not I guess I'll be selling my rift. 

Honored Guest
Had this same issue and found a way to hack around this! Go into the error log as Menacingeye indicated. See how it failed due to not being able to access a certain folder in /Staging. Create the named new folder in /Staging (e.g., ccp-games-newcastle-eve-valkyrie as in the example). Then install again. Worked perfectly. Had the same issue for two games and repeated these steps to get a successful install. Unsure if this is a Windows issue or an Oculus one. Would love to not have to do this for every game.

Hey that totally works! I wonder what caused this bug to happen? 
Thanks for the fix though! Made my night!

Honored Guest
Would love to find out as well. Hoping someone can enlighten us on this thread and provide a more seamless fix.

Honored Guest
I was having the same issue and was able to fix in the way others on this thread have suggested: by looking through the logs for evidence of a failure to move files into the staging folder.  For new folks, there is a guide to finding the logs here:

So I heard back from Oculus, and it ended up being my McAfee real time scanning that was stopping oculus from downloading, So if anyone else is having that problem then that could be the culprit. 
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