01-09-2025 03:30 PM - edited 01-09-2025 04:03 PM
I've tried factory resetting several times now and it always gets stuck on the safety screen. In the past I recall a little video plays here but it just shows a black screen that says
"Safety" at the top and "Oculus Quest Safety" in the middle with a few bullet points. Not appears to be clickable except the back button in the upper left corner.
I'm having exactly the same issue as this this post on Reddit except he's using iOS and I'm on Android.
EDIT: I noticed if I touch just above the line "Oculus Quest Safety" I get the UI of a video player but when hitting play (or any of the other buttons) it does't do anything... Perhaps it's trying to play a video file that no longer exists in the mobile app?
01-09-2025 03:38 PM
Hey there @Wescott_v3.1,
Could you please send us a private message so we can discuss your issue?
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01-10-2025 12:20 AM
@Wescott_v3.1 this may be of help -
Solved: Meta support doesnt't recognize my Oculus Quest (1... - Meta Community Forums - 1274215
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