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Can't find the Go controller

Honored Guest
Getting this error message while starting up. Have changed the battery (twice) and the Go is fully charged.
This happened after I had left the Go on the shelf for some days, it was discharged and I charged it fully again. Saw a post in the Go forum where the same thing happened. He said that you had to factory reset the Go to make it recognise the controller again. Is it really so?
Update: I got it working again without a full reset. Went to the Iphone Oculus Go app, unpaired the controller and then paired it again. Now it recognises the controller.

Expert Protege
I've had this happen to me when I force turn the device off. Also happens with my Xbox One s gamepad.

You can also just hold down the two round buttons at the same time for 15 seconds, a little light should blink on the controller and it will re-pair itself. No need to factory reset or even go to the phone app.
Core i7-7700k @ 4.9 Ghz | 32 GB DDR4 Corsair Vengeance @ 3000Mhz | 2x 1TB Samsung Evo | 2x 4GB WD Black
ASUS MAXIMUS IX HERO | MSI AERO GTX 1080 OC @ 2000Mhz | Corsair Carbide Series 400C White (RGB FTW!) 

Be kind to one another 🙂

Rising Star
Got this issue after pairing a game controller.
Pairing and usage worked fine with both Go Controller and Gamepad....

Then after a day (My GO was re-started due to battery was drained out)
Without the gamepad turned on, it didn't want to recognize the GO Controller any longer!

So I had to remove the controller in the phone app and added it again (Pressing the both buttons to start pairing)
And it was there again....

Could there be any issues/feature when you add an additional controller and restarts the GO maybe!

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