11-19-2024 12:39 AM
I’ve preciously posted about my quest not having a menu bar. I can’t get that fixed as the solution is sending it back to meta and as this was a gift and I don’t have the purchase details (and can’t get them) I can’t send it back.
Now I have another issue. My husband has received the update last night, but my quest says no updates available, it is fully charged and we have gone into settings to try and find it there, and don’t a restart but nothing works.
can anyone help please?
11-19-2024 02:59 AM
@LauraW7519 you could try the official meta update tool. It was at v69 but I believe it's now been updated to go give you v71.
Meta Quest software update | Meta Store
11-19-2024 04:15 AM
Thank you that worked
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